News objects

With a news object you can display the headlines of news messages. The settings of a news object are a combination of the standard object settings, and the settings which you can also set in case of a newspage.

General/ Title
Inside this text box you can enter the title of the object. Depending on the layout it will be displayed or not.

General/ Visibility
With this property you can determine whether or not to display the object.

General/ Layout
With this property you can determine how the object presents its content. The outer view (for example a border) and the inner view (messages) of the object can be set seperately. Which layouts are available is dependent of your design. If only one layout is availabele, the property will be disabled.

With this property you can decide which feed(s) from the news system the object has to display.

Display / Settings
First you can choose how many highlighted messages should be displayed (0 for none). Highlighted messages usually are displayed above the other images, and with other markup.

You can mark the option Randomize. If this option is marked, within a certain range, highlighted messages will be selected randomly. You can enter this range inside the text box Range for randomization.

It is possible that the choosen lay out doesn't display hightlighted messages. If the number of highlighted messages is greater than the number you set, those highlighted messages will be displayed chronologically as normal messages.

You can set up the number of "normal messages" to display, with a combination of Days to display and Display limit.

If the property "Days to display" is set to 0 (zero), then this property is ignored. In that case, the property "Display limit" determines the maximum number of messages to display.

If the property "Days to display" is not zero, then this property determines until how many days back, messages are displayed. Also, in this case, the "Display limit" determines the maximum number of messages to display per day. Setting it to 0 (zero) means, no limit is applied.

If you set both properties to 0 (zero), no messages will be displayed.

With the property Agenda display you can change the behaviour of the display. Normally, alle publiced messages with a date and time before the moment of display, are being displayed. If you activate "Agenda display", all messages with a date and time after the moment van display, will be displayed.

If an image is linked to the a news message, it can be displayed according to the lay out. Also, you can choose an Image format to be used.

With the "Opener" you select the news page which must be used to open the messages displayed. You can select the newspage(s) which are already linked to the feeds, or you select one specific news page. Be aware that the selected news page will show all feeds which are also set to the object.

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