
The User Interface of Footsteps usually consists of three parts.


The first part is the button bar, at the top of the window. The left side of the bar contains buttons which refer to the different parts of the system. For example, these will lead you to the maintenance of your web pages (Site index), or to the management of your images. The right side of the bar contains, next to the logout button, a button which leads you directly to Help and Support, and a button to open the homepage of the system.


The second part of the interface is located at the left side of the window. It contains the main functions of a certain part of the system, sometimes divided by tabs. For example, when you are editing web pages, it contains the site index of your website. And when you are in the Image management part of the system, it contains the tree view of your folders containing your images.


The third part of the interface is located at the center of the window. Generally it contains something that is selected in the left part of the window. For example a web page, or a folder from Image Management.

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