Edit a page
Inside the "Site index" its tree view, you can select a webpage for editing. The page will be opened inside the large centered panel of the system. Now, inside that panel, you can edit the title, text and other properties of that page.
- Step 1
Inside the "Site index" its tree view, select/click a webpage for editing.
- Step 2
Type a title for your page inside the text box located at the topleft of your page.
- Step 3
Edit the text of your page. Leftclick on a text box inside the center panel. A dotted line will appear around the concering text box to indicate that it's active. Now, you can edit inside this text box.
- Step 4
Bring up to date the keywords of the page. Click on the button "SEO" (Seach Engine Optimalization), and follow the instructions of the wizard. The "SEO" button is located at the upper right of the panel, at the right side of the text box containing the page title.
- Step 5
Publish the webpage. Between the buttons "SEO" and "Save" you can see a button indicating the status of the page. Leftclick it to select the wanted status. Only pages with the status "Published" will be visible on the website.
- Stap 6
Save the page. The "Save" button is located at the upper right of the panel. Not until you save the page, your changes are applied.
You can leftclick on a "Step" for an extensive explanation of that step, or leftclick "Next" to continue to the next subject "Images".
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